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Agnès Janin

Agnès JANIN Author and photographer born in 1974 in Albertville, Savoie.

Lives and works in Paris and Montpellier. Agnès graduated from the University of Paris VIII. She obtained a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography and a Master of Science and Techniques in Hypermedia.

For 10 years, she worked as a multimedia project manager for communication agencies. In 2008, she studied photojournalism at the Ecole des Métiers de l'Information in Paris. Since then, she designs and produces photographic productions for major brands.

In parallel to her commissions, she participated in a residency at the Performing Art Forum in Reims and produced "De l'autre côté de miroir", a series in which she portrayed characters that question our vision of Lewis Carrol's Alice. She creates phantasmatic images that call upon our childhood memories and question the notion of cliché in the stereotypical sense of the term.

For her, the country that sends the most stereotyped images to our unconscious and our memory is the United States. It is for this reason that she decided to go there for the first time in 2012. She will bring back 2 series: "Intimate motels" a dive inside American motels and "Drive USA" a road trip of 12 000 km in search of (s-c)es myths.

- Drive USA, photo festival, Les Festives d'Ascain, from June 17th to August 12th 2017
- Welcome Riders ! Espace Macadam in Montpellier from Nov 20 to Dec 21 2012