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Alain Doucé

Photographer, author and mountain guide, I visit the interstices between two steps, my eyes open to the world. I remember this first shot taken on a Sunday morning when I was 7 years old. The road was deserted and the sun was shining on the damp asphalt. I remember wondering whether to put my Instamatic on sun or cloud. Since my technical practice to evolve but I always pursue this little glimmer which means that the image is always possible. From the Alps, beyond my mountain frames and my photographic reports, I pursue an artistic work shifting the perception of the gaze by staging in natural or urban landscapes. I try to question our place in this world by returning to the dreamlike. To find out more: www.alain-douce.com / www.instants-sensibles.com

- Second prize at the FEPN Arles 2014 competition (European Nude Photo Festival) - Awarded at the Images et Neige Festival in Cluse - 1st prize in the "Montagne Magazine" photographic competition

- Imago Lucis collective exhibitions - October 2004: “0 °…” House of Nature and the Environment of L'Isère - February March 2005: “0 °…” House of the Mountain of Grenoble - January 2008: Collective exhibition of the Maison de la Photographie de l'Isère "+ Haut" at the old Museum of Grenoble. Photos “0 °…” on the occasion of a retrospective by Lionel Terray - March 2010: Collective exhibition of the Maison de la Photographie de l'Isère “Si d'Aventures” at the old Museum of Grenoble. Photos "Iridescence". on the occasion of a retrospective of Anne Marie Schwarzenbach. - May 2011: "Irisation" Espace Paul-Jargot de Crolles - June 2011: "Irisation" Mairie de Crolles - September 2013: "Irisation", Salon Allev'Art in Belledonne - November 2013: "Irisation", MAPAD de Froges - June 2014: “Irisation” 26th REFLEX IMAGE CREATION short film and photography festival in Voiron. - Winter 2015-2016 “Irisation”, Residence La Bérangère Chamrousse. - Summer 2017 “La Frontière du Cube”, Salon de Curiosités Vapeur d'Encres Lyon. - Summer 2017 “Le Glacier de Ferpècle” Library of Pont de Claix. - Summer 2017 “La Frontière du Cube” San'Art Artistic Trail St Hilaire du Touvet. - November 2017 “La Frontière du Cube” Salle La Pléiade Allevard. - January 2018 Door Folio Responses Photo n ° 311 (6 pages). - 2019: "Le Cube en Belledonne" Daring Culture in Belledonne. - 2019: "Paysage-Paysages" at the Espace Paul Jargot in Crolles with the Isère Departmental Council. November 2019: Grenoble Photo Month, "La Frontière du Cube"