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Tom Brownold

Autumn color change in motion

Photographer, Tom Brownold is based in the American Southwestern state of Arizona. He has been making landscape and natural history, photographs of this region for the past 40 years. Learning his trade form Frederick Sommer and Jay Dusard at Prescott College. He has attended numerous continuing photography education workshops over the years to hone his vision of light, color and gesture. Tom's publication The Grandest Ride

COMPETITION RECOGNITION in the 2nd Annual Agfa Photo Gallery, the 2nd
Annual American Photo contest issue Vol. 2 No. 1. Runner up in 2003 Geographical
Magazine Photographer of the Year (Landscape Category), Runner Up in 2004
Natures Best Photography of Year competition ( Man in Nature Category)
15th annual Black and White Spider Awards (Nominee)
16th, 17th annual Black and White Spider Awards (Honorable Mention in Children of the World and Nominee in Nature | Petrified forest detail )
1st,4th,8th,15th,16th International Color Awards,
2nd,3rd (nominated)International Color Awards Masters Cup
2022 European Photographic Awards Honorable mention
2022 Black and White Spider Awards (Advertising category)
20th International Photography Awards 3rd place (aerial category)

Echo Canyon fine arts gallery - one man show. 2010
Desert Caballeros Western Museum - one man show 2011
Phoenix International Sky Harbor Airport Museum - one man show terminal 4 2012-2014
Phoenix International Sky Harbor Airport Museum - Arizona Valentine show
Phoenix International Sky Harbor Airport Museum - Buds, Birds, Bugs show 2013
Phoenix International Sky Harbor Airport Museum - one man show terminal 2, 2017-2018
La Posada Hotel - one man show 2014
Phippen Museum - group show “Trappings of the American West” 2014
Museum of Northern Arizona - group show “Trappings of the American West” 2015,2016
Phoenix International Sky Harbor Airport Museum “Arizona Weather” 2016
High Country Conference Center one man show “In Pursuit of Light, Color, and Gesture” 2016

Corporate Collections;
Alliance Bank
Casey Family Programs
Coconino County Human Resources
Northern Arizona University
Northern Country Health Care
Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport Museum
Xanterra Parks and Resorts
Zia Trust