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Series of 1 photography


Series of 1 photography


Series of 2 photographs

Black and White

Series of 4 photographs


Series of 1 photography


Series of 4 photographs

I started photography at a very early age. I photographed my surroundings, both portraits and landscapes, using film cameras like the Polaroid. I studied photography on a sandwich course, working in a photo lab where I practiced black and white printing on an enlarger. 2 years later, I worked in a photo agency called Rue des Archives, a French agency that works with the press, publishing, communications agencies, the Internet and television, among others. The agency has its origins in the photographic holdings of the Agip agency.

In 2004, after studying photography, I became a laboratory assistant at Photo Service. Then, in 2005, I worked both at KCS presse as an iconographer (a photographic press agency covering people, social, political and artistic news, and in an information intelligence company, on a part-time basis, before joining the information intelligence company on a full-time basis, where I still work today as manager.

I work with Polaroids, film and digital. I also like to rework images, even if some series remain raw, others undergo transformations and restructuring.

I do plastic work, particularly on my Polaroids, which I rework to take them out of their usual context and present them in other forms, formats or media. I like to reprint on quality paper, to which I add paint, stickers, ink or other creative techniques for certain series.

The idea is to recycle the original polaroid, dissect it and sometimes cut it into different pieces to take it out of its context, its usual state, and present it on ever more original supports. In this way, I meticulously seek out everything that can accompany and enrich the image.

I'm constantly researching, creating and feeding my subjects.

It's poetry that characterizes my images, suspended moments that I immortalize most often in black and white.

Online galleries :
Artphotolimited :
Objectif Editions (gallery in Ixelles, Brussels) :
Cluster London :

British publisher :
-Snap Collective:

Exhibitions :

En 2023, Instant Paris, Iconoclastes galerie, November 10-14, Paris
In 2023, Instant Cologne/Bonn, May 12-14, Germany
In 2023, Polaroiders Venise, April 29-31, 2023, Venice, Italy
In 2023, Galerie Héloïse, Pola Pluriel, March 31-April 29, 2023, Paris, France
In 2023, Polaroid Festival paris, March 24-26, Paris, France
In 2023, Polaroiders, February 03-05, 2023, Bologna, Italy
In 2022, InstantArtParis 2022, November 11-13, Iconoclastes Galerie, 20 Rue Danielle Casanova, Paris
In 2022, Iso600 International Exhibition, October 7-9, Bologna, Italy
In 2022, Arles Exhibition Off - Instant Arles, A Space for Photography,15 Rue des Arènes, Arles
In 2022, EXP.22, International Festival of Experimental Photography, Barcelona
In 2022, Instant Cologne 2021, International Instant Art Expo, The Stage Gallery, Germany
In 2022, Open Bach, Expolaroid 2022 Festival, Paris 11th arrondissement
In 2022, Safe Urban Concept, 7 visions artists, group shows, Paris
In 2022, Cluster Photography Fair, March 3-6, London
In 2022, Galerie 59 Rivoli, March 8-20, 59 rue de Rivoli, Paris
In 2021, InstantArtParis 2021, Iconoclastes Galerie, 20 Rue Danielle Casanova, Paris
In 2021, Instant Cologne 2021, International Instant Art Expo, The Stage Gallery, Germany
In 2021, EXP.21, International Festival of Experimental Photography, Barcelona
In 2020, Galerie Art.C as part of the Expolaroid 2020 Festival, Paris 11th arrondissement
In 2020, EXP.20, International Festival of Experimental Photography, Barcelona
In 2020, InstantArtArles 2020, (August 3-8, 2020), Galerie des Arènes, Arles (cancelled COVID-19)
In 2020, Instant Cologne 2020, International Instant Art Expo, Germany (cancelled COVID-19)
In 2019, Galerie Joseph, InstantArtParis, 51 Rue de Turenne, Paris
In 2019, Atelier Guell, Polaroid Festival, Barcelona.
In 2019, Polaroids exhibition at Atelier53, Vanves.
In 2019, Galerie L'Open Bach as part of the Expolaroid Festival Paris 13ème.
In 2019, DOCK B as part of the Expolaroid Festival in Pantin.
In 2018, Invitation to the exhibition of the Club Photo de Saint Mard 77, presentation of Polaroids.
In 2018, Biennale européenne Géant, "L'été des portraits" in Bourbon-Lancy (all summer).
In 2018, Espace Beaurepaire, Polaroid Festival, Paris 10ème.
In 2018, Foire internationale de la Photo à Bièvres.
In 2018, Galerie Aab-ateliers d'artistes in Belleville, "Histoire d'un instant", Paris 20th.
In 2017, group show, private sale "Les Petites Serres", 18 rue Larrey, Paris 5e.
In 2017, Foire internationale de la Photo à Bièvres.
In 2016, Foire internationale de la Photo à Bièvres.
In 2014, CIDJ de la Tour Eiffel, "abstraction(s) concrète(s)".
In 2012, Mois de la Photo at Galerie Art Ligre, Paris 12ème.
In 2011, Galerie Communic-Art on the "Visages" series,
In 2002, landscape and portrait photos, city of Houilles, 78.