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Piper Mackay


Piper Mackay's intrepid journey as an African wildlife and cultural photographer has taken her adventures spanning the African continent; a land she fell in love with when she first stepped on her rich red soil. She made her decision to change her life direction and created an exit plan to leave behind a successful career in the fashion industry. Driven to create compelling imagery and stories that make a difference, the work breaks out of the path, immersed in the cultures and wild environments she is photographing. Her passion for the natural world has grown to inspire others to explore, respect and preserve the beauty of our fragile planet. Using this same passion and drive, she was able to overcome a decade of challenging obstacles and finally realize her dream of living, and thriving, in Kenya. She believes compelling work comes when you invest time, living the stories you are trying to tell. It is important to interact and gain the trust of those who are telling you, especially when sensitive and complicated. The world has enough images of poverty, pain and disaster. Powerful images help shape the view of the world and play an important role in disseminating how wildlife and cultures are coping with the rapid changes happening in the developing world. Piper's photographs are licensed by Getty Images top collections. Featured articles of her work have been printed in national publications such as; National Photographer Photographer, Outdoor Photographer, Nature Photographer, Wild Planet Magazine, Ranger Finder, and Selamata, as well as local magazines. Her pictures have grace the pages of Best Natures, National Geographic, National Geographic Explorer, WWF calendars, birders and numerous travel publications. Her pictures have been on exhibit at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum in Washington DC, The Museum of History and Industry in Seattle Washington, The Art Wolfe gallery, The G2 Galley and are hanging in private collections around the world. Her prior career in the fashion industry, where she was deeply involved with color and texture, has greatly enhanced her approach to the unique look and feel of each culture and photographic subject. This also gives a strong background in business and marketing.