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Paul Newman Prints

Come and discover our selection of photos of Paul Newman. You will find in our gallery many pictures of young Paul Newman but also pictures of black and white Paul Newman. Side by side with this American actor and experience an extraordinary adventure through these clichés. Who is Paul Newman? Paul Newman is an American actor, director, producer and writer. Paul Newman is an actor who has appeared in many films such as Victor Saville's Silver Chalice in 1954, Luke La Main Froide in 1967 and Martin Scorsese's The Scammer in which he works with Robert Redford. He has notably had other roles in other films such as Les Feux de l'été or La Chatte sur un Toit Brûlant. Paul newman passed away on September 26, 2008. Throughout his acting career he has received 39 film nominations, a Golden Globe Award for Rachel in 1969 and the Oscar for Best Actor in 1986 for his role in Martin Scorsese's The Color of Silver. We have therefore selected for you the most beautiful art photos of Paul Newman. If you wish to refine your search we offer a selection of black and white photographs by Paul Newman but also many other actors such as Al Pacino, John Wayne, French actors such as Lino Ventura or British film directors such as Alfred Hitchcock. If actor photography is not your cup of tea, we invite you to visit our selection of actress photography featuring the most talented actresses of this century and the last century, such as Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn or Catherine Deneuve, in both black and white and colour. All Paul Newman's art photographs for sale on ArtPhotoLimited are sold in limited edition and available in various formats, including large formats up to 150x100 cm. Each photo of Paul Newman is delivered with a certificate of authenticity indicating the title, the numbering of the work and, if applicable, the artist's signature.