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I regularly exhibit my travel photos through dreamlike series that you can see on my artistic website:
This is the main theme you'll see on my gallery, but there can also be more urban or completely offbeat images.
A graduate of the Ecole Nationale Louis Lumière, I am also a Portrait, Corporate, Event and Travel photographer. I also run a photography studio in the 11th arrondissement of Paris.
My work is increasingly focused on heritage, tourism, luxury hotels and spas, with a new medium: the drone to develop video and aerial photography and give a new point of view on the world and the beauty of our heritage and landscapes.
More information on my commercial website:

None yet infortunately

PARIS-VID at Delicatessen Galerie sept_oct 2020
- Paris confiné in April-May 2020

O'zbekiston at Delicatessen Galerie March 2009
This exhibition is a 32-square game of goose with you as the pawn and your intuition as the pair of dice. The aim is to reach the end of the course having visited as many squares as possible, unless it's the other way round. Between cul-de-sacs and labyrinths, you'll wander through this photographic series, in a playful, dreamlike Uzbekistan.

Entre deux ciels at Delicatessen Galerie November 2008
-Dreamlike photographs inviting contemplation and meditation

Autos Végétales at the Librairie "La Terrasse de Gutenberg" June 2006
-An alliance of metal and plant. Photographs of old carcasses from the 50s to the 70s
by vegetation.

Salvadot-Panégyrique-Bahia at Maison du Brésil - Cité Universitaire - Paris 75014 April 2006
A travel diary of Brazil's most mixed-race city...

Cuba-Napoli at théatre L'Echangeur Bagnolet - April 2002
-Naples, the baroque city...

Songes & Bestiaire at Magic Company Paris 75017 - December 1999
-La traversée des images.
Photographs from travels around the world, inviting reverie and meditation.