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Black and White Steve McQueen Prints

Welcome to our selection of Steve Mcqueen photos, you will find in our selection many cult photos of Steve McQueen directing him in many films such as Lee H. Katzin's Le Mans or Peter Yates' Bullitt. Our Steve McQueen photo prints are available in a limited edition of 300 copies. Who is Steve McQueen? Steve Mcqueen is an American actor born on March 24, 1930 in Beech Grove, Indiana and died on November 7, 1980 in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. Steve McQueen often had anti-hero roles in movies that made him one of the most popular box-office actors of the 1960s. Discovered by the general public through the series In the Name of the Law, he became the best paid star in the world in the early 1970s. During his career, he has notably acted in major films such as Le Mans in 1971 in which he played a car driver during the 24 hours of Le Mans. We have selected the best photos of this mythical actor for you. Enjoy an incredible experience and participate in the shooting of the film Le Mans with Steve McQueen. Our selection of original photos offers you an incredible adventure with this legend of American cinema. If you wish to refine your search we offer you a selection of original black and white photos by Steve McQueen but also many other actors such as Al Pacino, Clint Eastwood, French actors such as Alain Delon or British actors such as Charlie Chaplin. If actor photography is not your cup of tea, we invite you to visit our selection of actress photography featuring the most talented actresses of this century and the last century such as Brigitte Bardot, Audrey Hepburn or Marilyn Monroe in both black and white and colour. All Steve McQueen's photos for sale on ArtPhotoLimited are sold in limited edition and available in various formats, including large formats up to 150x100 cm. Each original photo of Steve Mcqueen is delivered with a certificate of authenticity indicating the title, the numbering of the work and, if applicable, the artist's signature.