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Alain Beaudouard

With his "hair in winter", Alain Beaudouard has crossed 131 countries to date. Documentary director, photographer, travel painter and writer. Based in Indonesia for 30 years, he works with National Geographic, the BBC and FujiTV, among others. He draws his energy from discovery and adventure. To get as close as possible to people and spaces, he travels mainly by motorcycle, taking his time. More than 800,000 kms on every continent. For him, "Film lets Time flow", "Photography stops Time", "Writing tells the story of Time", "Painting conveys the nostalgia of past Time". More recently, he has been working on his photos to turn them into "digital works". With the pandemic forcing him to remain momentarily immobile, he takes the opportunity to criss-cross Indonesia on his motorcycle... and always with his camera. His philosophy: "The stranger is the friend we don't yet know" (Tuareg saying).